“And Hennry’s father said, ………………Mudge was put out.………whwn he eas washed and in bed, henry lay in the dark. His eyes were big. His heart was ponding. His knees were shaking.…………Then Hennry laid his head on Mudge’s big chest, and Finally he slept a good sleep at …………”

As the title suggest, hennry and Mudge and the bedtime thumps is one of the book is in the Hennry and Mudge series. One day. Hennry and Mudge went to them grandmother’s house with them parent. Hennry worried about Mudge, because he may do something bad things in them grandmother’s house. Finally, in the house, Mudge did bad things. Hennry’s father got angry, and he drove him out of the house. Mudge had to sleep outside. However, he is afraid, and Hennry worried. Therefore, Hennry went to Mudge, and they slept together that night.
Chew: 〜をかんで食べる
Spit: 吐き出す
Wag: 〜を振り動かす
Thump: <心臓が>ドキンドキンと鼓動する
182 words.
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