I met my high school friends last weekend, and we spend very good time. We are from Yatsushiro, and we went to Yatsushiro High School. We went different university, and live different place after high school. Therefore, it is difficult to saw with them, because it't very far. Mitinori live in Kobe, and he go to Kansei Gakuen University. He is good at singing a song, and I and he were belong to a band of a capella when we ware high school student. He has been popular as good singer!!! He is cool and tall. He is my specially friends.
His birthday was 27th November, so we bought his birthday hole cake and we went to a restaurant. We had alcohol and foods. And then, we went to bar, and we started to drink alcohol again. Finally, we went to karaoke, and we had stayed for 6 hours. We played a game in the room, and a looser drink alcohol. We didn't stop the game and singing, so we enjoyed karaoke by 6 a.m.. We were very tired after that. Everyone's face looked not good. However, I had spend the most interesting time in these days.
We will see to them last of year! They are my old friends!
My favorite shop
My favorite shop
I often go to Geo to rental some DVDs. I like Geo than any other shops, because Geo is very convenient! For example, a Geo in my town is near by my home, so It takes about 3minutes by walking. In addition, the price is cheap!! We can rental old movie of 100yen for 1 week!! Wha't more, we can use a card of ponta, so we can save points.
I went to Geo today, and I felt happy because I found a campaign! It said old movies are 50yen! It is very cheap!! Therefore, I rentaled 10 movies. I closed "The Walking Dead" and " Coach Carter" and stuff. I don't have much money, but the campaign is very convenient for me.
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Summary and Feedback of "Coach Carter"
I watched "Coach Carter" This story is about basketball of high school. A coach tried to change bad students. Finally, the team got success.
Coach Carter made a rule and he made players to sign. In addition, he let players to run and exercise harder, and he corrected their bad language. He taught students they have possible of futures, and he led them to success.
These are the rules.
They have to get average 2.3 of academic record.
They have to attend all classes.
They have to seat front row when they take a class.
They have to wear tie when they go to a game.
They have to remain discipline.
Coach Carter wanted to teach players practice is very important and valuable, so he made them have responsibility before starting practice. I agree with his way, because players couldn’t found importance of practice if Coach Carter didn’t make them sign.
I agree with student-athlete, because they couldn’t choice their future if they only lay a basketball. They could to be basketball player or going to a university after high school if they tried to student-athlete.
Coach Carter said “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine, as children do. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Cruz wanted to play basketball, and he wanted to take part in practice again. However, he did bad things. For example, he took part in dealing drugs. Despite of Cruz has ability of playing basketball, he retire the team. Therefore, he couldn’t choose which I want to stay with friends. I think that he fear to lose friends.
Finally, Coach Carter planned to teach basketball for high school students. In addition, they were not good students. However, they were to be good person, and he need to teach them nothing. Therefore, it is failure.
385/4068 words
Good and Bad points about Winter
I'll write about Good and Bad points about winter.
First, I'll write about Bad point. It is very cold while winter. Winter has already came to Japan, because temperature is low and I feel cold. I wore a jacket yesterday. I feel very cold these days, so it is difficult
to wake up early for me. Actually, I'm not interested in waking up early, so I actually try to wake up early in winter.
I had cold and pained my body these days because of my bad life style. I had a dinner late sometimes these days, so I coldn't wake up early. Therefore, Idon't have dinner late, and I have many kinds of vegetables.
Next, I'll write about Good point. It is we can enjoy fashion. For example, we can wear a jacket and knit and. In addition, we can enjoy events of winter. For example, Chiristmas and Last year and New year and Valentine. I'm going to go to Hitoyoshi on Christmas. There are a good cafe, and we can see good view! I'm going to go with my friends. On Last year, I'm going to spend with my friends. We are going to have alc hole and enjoy talking!!
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I have had cold since this Monday, so I was very tired. I will h about this week.
I study about job hunting every Wednesday. We wear suits, and I take a class 4 period and 5 period. We practice a test, and study about entry seat. The class is free, and the teacher is very kind. I will do internship next month, so I often ask him about jobs.He said me Read a news paper and Practice group discussion. I dicided to take part in a class for group discussion. In addition, I try to read a news paper about the company. I subscribe a news paper of Kyushu in west. The intership will held in Fukuoka, and the company is Jakarta city of JR. I would study about Fukuoka.
Diary 2
I went to a festival of syokei Gakuen University, because DEEP come to syokei!! They are Japanese musician, and 4 cool guys sing songs. They belong to very popular company. Their musics are very popular and famous, so many people shout when they stand on the stage.
I have been to their music live two times. First time was held in Kikuyo, and is was free live. I was moved by their songs. They have memorable voice, so I wanna see them again. This time was free, too. Needless to say, they are good at singing! I addition, they are good at talking. Their talk make people smile.
We could spend memorable time, and we enjoyed jumping and singing together. I wanna go to their live again if they came to Kumamoto.
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My favorite foods
I like healthy foods. For example, vegetables, and fermented food. I often eat yoghurt with banana and honey every morning. I have no appetite every morning, so yoghurt is the best for breakfast. In addition, I like natto with rice! This is bad smell, and almost foreigners don’t like this. Both of yoghurt and natto influence to make the skin beautiful.
What’s more, I often eat nabe in Winter. Nabe means Japanese nabe! This contains cabbage and carrot and burdock and bean sprouts and shimeji and others. This is contains pork, too. I like eat this with sauce of kimuchi. I sweat as soon as I eat nabe! This improves my metabolism. If ingredients decrease, I can add some noodle. I often eat udon!! I recommend Japanese nabe!!
My favorite food was nabe when I was sophomore. However, I like spicy foods very much now. For example, a spicy noodle! There are many kinds of spicy food restaurant, so I have had a lot of spicy ramen.I have been to Gyorai of the spicy ramen, and the restaurant is the best. This ramen is based on a soup of fish, so it isn't fat. I always have all of soup. You can choose the level of spicy. I often order middle spicy ramen, because this spicy is very good and comfortable. However, he oversweated and couldn't have all. His face was very red! Therefore, I recommend you middle level.
In addition, I have been to Bonbonmen. You can have a spicy noodle. This is made of devil's tougue and the soup is made of beaten egg. You can choose the level from 0 to 25! I often order the level of 8. You could get a card of customer if you had all noodles and soup. You can have the ramen cheaper if you took the card when you go to there.
Both of them are my favorite restaurants. You have to wear clothes of not white!
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Diary 1
I had cold these days, so I always wear a mask. I often had cold when I was high school student, but I almost didn't have cold after enter Kumamoto Gakuen University. Therefore, I have gotten medicines before, but I don't get some medicines these days. However, I had a cough and pain of throat because of a change of the weather and my food and life style. I tried to do some ways to be good health, but it didn't effect my health.
My voice is strange because my nose's condition isn't good. In addition, I couldn't sing a song. My hobby is singing, and I belong to a club of a Capella. I couldn't sing enough, because my throat pains.
Diary 2
I took part in a celemony of a club in Kumamoto Gakuen University. This celemony was for our 3rd year- students, because we have to retire the club. I didn't retire the club, but this system have continued since the club started. Members of the club gave me a present and letter. The present was a accessorie, and this is very lovely!! I wanted this accessorie, so I was happy.
We had much alchol and foods, and took pictures. In addition, members of the club said thank you to me. I couldn't help and do many important things to my club, but I could make new friends and I visited to many kinds of places. For example, Okinawa, Kagoshima, Nagasaki, Aso and stuff. I spend memorable time with my friends.
259/2888 words
My favorite Japanese fashion model
Tanaka is popular person, because she is fashion model! She is from Hiroshima,
and she went to Tokyo when she was college student. Therefore, she lives in Tokyo
now. She is so cute! Her looks is great! The shape of her face is round, and her
face line is smart. Also, her skin is white color. Her eyes are big. Her looks
is like doll!! Her way to make up is so simple, but her face is very good! She
has medium hair, and light brown.
likes white color best, so she often wears white color clothes. I like white
color too, so I refer to her coordinates. However, her coordinate is so high
level! For example, tops, bottoms, and shoes are all white color. Sometimes,
she wears white color tight. It is very cute when she wears them. However, it
is not much when I wear them. I bought it, because I want to be like her! She
is nice body, and she is good smile. In spite of she works hard and she is
busy, she is smile anytime. Her smiling makes me happy, and giving me power.
manages her accessory shop in Shibuya .
Moreover, she design accessories. The name of shop is Dear. The shop
opened these days. The shop is design by her. She is good salesperson!
she is good at drawing pictures! She often designs pages of magazine that is
run her fashion pages. That page is made by handwriting. She draws pictures,
write words. She thinks that words are valuable, so her handwriting words are
so great!
Last, she is so intellectual, and
powerful, and fashionable!! I think that her right brain is strong, because
many things are made by her are very artistic!
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295/2370 words
Halloween Party
I held Halloween
Party on last of October with my friends. They are KGU students of major in
English. 9 peoples joined the party, and we spend very memorable time. 9 girls
enjoyed the party together at the first time. However, I could have comfortable
time with their.
We took a purikura, and we wore a
costume of Halloween. I wore a corn of devil, and I wore my favorite red dress.
Everyone wore lovely dress, so they were very shining. Haruka and Saki wore
blue dress, and me and Minami wore red dress. Akane and Manami and Kaho wore
black dress. We didn’t decide what color dress I’ll wear before the party, but
3 colors dresses were there. We went to a dining bar after taking a purikura.
The bar is in
Ginza st. of West. In addition, the bar is very dim and I can listen to a slow music.
A couple and many girls and boys came here. We had many alcohol and foods. I
like a wine very much, but I can’t drink a wine only. Therefore, I often ordered
a cocktail. These are mixed red wine and coke, or white wine and ginger ale.
These are my favorite drink.
Everyone looks
very happy, and said ‘’We wanna party again!!’’. I think so. We’ll do party
again on Christmas.
225/2075 words
Dead Man's River
This story is written by Elizabeth Laird. There are Jonas, and Hetty, and, Harry, and Mr. Gray, and Bernie, and Pete. Jonas loves Hetty, but his father Mr. Gray didn't allow their marry, because jonas didn't have much money. Jonas was very sad, and He went to a bar. In there, two mans came, and they said "give us golds"to Harry. However Harry said " There isn't here. Golds in Dead Man's River. And then, two men wen to there with Jonas, and Harry, and they let jonas looking gold on there. However, Jonas couldn't look gold, because Harry had golds!! Two man came back there again, but they couldn't looking for them, because a dead man appeared, and they had a scare. Finally, Jonas and Harry could guard all gold. Harry gave two Jonas, so Jonas became rich. He went to banke, and he said "Marry me". Hetty said "Yes!!" Mr. Gray recognized it!!
155 /1850 words.
Henry and Mudge
“And Hennry’s father said, ………………Mudge was put out.………whwn he eas washed and in bed, henry lay in the dark. His eyes were big. His heart was ponding. His knees were shaking.…………Then Hennry laid his head on Mudge’s big chest, and Finally he slept a good sleep at …………”

As the title suggest, hennry and Mudge and the bedtime thumps is one of the book is in the Hennry and Mudge series. One day. Hennry and Mudge went to them grandmother’s house with them parent. Hennry worried about Mudge, because he may do something bad things in them grandmother’s house. Finally, in the house, Mudge did bad things. Hennry’s father got angry, and he drove him out of the house. Mudge had to sleep outside. However, he is afraid, and Hennry worried. Therefore, Hennry went to Mudge, and they slept together that night.
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Lomeo and Juliet
I watched Romeo and Juliet in the library. I have watched this movie before, but this is different story. Both of them was very sad story.
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Lomeo is very cool and brave man, and Lronard DiCaprio act Lomeo. He is very popular acter. He is a cast in Titanic. In addition, he is from America.
Lomeo love Juliet, but they are enemy each other. However, they fell in love. They wanted to get marry, but Lomeo couldn't stay in his town because Lomeo killed a man. Juliet decide to get marry to Lomeo, but Juliet's parents have already ready a man who will get marry to Juliet. Juliet don't want to get marry to the man. Juliet's father was very angry, and he said strong languages. Juliet's mother said strong language, too. Juliet was very sad and lonely. I can agree Juliet's feeling, because I want to get marry to a man who I love.
Juliet planed to see Romeo, and Juliet had a poison. Juliet looks like die, do every body was sad. In addisio, everyone thought Juliet was die, and Juliet went to a grave.
Finally, Romeo and Juliet saw in the grave again, but Romeo saw Juliet already died, and Romeo had a poison. Juliet had a poison that is going to make Juliet awake , but Romeo don't know the truth. Juliet made he stop to have poison,but it was too late. Finally, Romeo died because of the poison, and Juliet suicide.
I hoped they will get marry, but I couldn't watch the scene.
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